Lumbec has been manufacturing and installing sheds since 1978. We have made our mark on the market with our classic garden sheds. Despite the basic models, you can upgrade your shed with several choices of siding, door and window sizes and colors. Let our company design products that reflect your image, even the traditional garden shed is custom built.
All our sheds are manufactured in our Aylmer factory. We manufacture the walls and install the cladding in the factory. This method minimizes our installation time at your home. The installation of a traditional garden shed is mostly done in one day.
Lumbec is a creative, design-oriented team that has been manufacturing and installing its products since 1978. Our experience in building custom garden sheds, garages and gazebos offers our clients unparalleled craftsmanship.
Monday to Friday
08h00 to 17h00
By appointment
By appointment
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